Section: New Results

Learning Low-level Image Representations with Deep CNN

Paticipant: Iasonas Kokkinos

In [27] we propose a novel framework for learning local image descriptors in a discriminative manner. For this purpose we explore a siamese architecture of DCNNs, with a Hinge embedding loss on the L2 distance between descriptors. Since a siamese architecture uses pairs rather than single image patches to train, there exist a large number of positive samples and an exponential number of negative samples. We propose to explore this space with a stochastic sampling of the training set, in combination with an aggressive mining strategy over both the positive and negative samples which we denote as "fracking". We perform a thorough evaluation of the architecture hyper-parameters, and demonstrate large performance gains compared to both standard CNN learning strategies, hand-crafted image descriptors like SIFT, and the state-of-the-art on learned descriptors: up to 2.5x vs SIFT and 1.5x vs the state-of-the-art in terms of the area under the curve (AUC) of the Precision-Recall curve.

In [4] we explote connections between DCNNs and texture understanding. First, instead of focusing on texture instance and material category recognition, we propose a human-interpretable vocabulary of texture attributes to describe common texture patterns, complemented by a new describable texture dataset for benchmarking. Second, we look at the problem of recognizing materials and texture attributes in realistic imaging conditions, including when textures appear in clutter, developing corresponding benchmarks on top of the recently proposed OpenSurfaces dataset. Third, we revisit classic texture representations, including bag-of-visual-words and the Fisher vectors, in the context of deep learning and show that these have excellent efficiency and generalization properties if the convolutional layers of a deep model are used as filter banks. We obtain in this manner state-of-the-art performance in numerous datasets well beyond textures, an efficient method to apply deep features to image regions, as well as benefit in transferring features from one domain to another.

In [35] we propose a new DCNN architecture that learns pixel embeddings, such that pairwise distances between the embeddings can be used to infer whether or not the pixels lie on the same region. That is, for any two pixels on the same object, the embeddings are trained to be similar; for any pair that straddles an object boundary, the embeddings are trained to be dissimilar. Experimental results show that when this embedding network is used in conjunction with a DCNN trained on semantic segmentation, there is a systematic improvement in per-pixel classification accuracy. Our contributions are integrated in the popular Caffe deep learning framework, and consist in straightforward modifications to convolution routines. As such, they can be exploited for any task involving convolution layers.